Americans For a Safe Israel SFV
"A United Israel Is a Strong Israel"
AFSI Our Goal
AFSI Our Goal


Let it be peace in the world and less sufferings. Let us all have more patience, hope and perseverance to get us through the rough times, and let us always remember how lucky we are to have what we have, without taking things for granted and helping the less fortunate ones in any ways we can.

Richard Perl · 

President Trump said in his inaugural address “We will re-enforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.” I applaud President Trump for this common sense declaration and think that this is the only reasonable stance to have against this evil. A simple definition of radical Islamic terrorism should be something along the lines of the following; “targeting innocent people through acts of terror (for the benefit of Islam), those committing the acts directly, and those aiding and abetting”. Innocent people must be defined by western standards and ideals (not by Islamic Koranic standards that allows through the doctrine of Taqiyya, to deceive and do all evil to non-believers, who are never seen as innocent). Hamas and the PA would surely fit in the above definition and should also be targeted for eradication. Israel should never again be expected to negotiate with radical Islamic terrorism.



AFSI San Fernando Valley

Americans for a Safe Israel



Thursday, January 13, 2017


Israel is in a battle for its existence - we must be unified to survive



"Jewish Unity and Disunity, Then and Now," focuses on current existential threats to Israel, specifically the multiple military threats and the global campaign of de-legitimization. We, the Jewish people, despite our disunity, must collectively wake up, face the reality of our imperiled existence, and take action. We must learn from the example of the Holocaust, in which disunity and a failure on the part of American Jews to protest effectively enough on behalf of European Jewry had devastating consequences. If ever there was a time to transcend our differences, to address the weaknesses in our leadership, and to face and fight the threats bombarding us, it is now. The Israeli government is not equipped to fight de-legitimization on its own. It is time to contract out to leading experts to create a massive publicity campaign based on cohesive, consistent messaging that will change hearts and minds, favorably influencing thought leaders globally about Israel, and turn back the rising tide of negative propaganda.


About Americans for a Safe Israel

Americans For a Safe Israel was founded in 1971 by concerned Americans convinced a peaceful settlement of the Arab-Israel conflict would only occur when the Arabs realized once and for all that Israel could not be defeated militarily or in any other way. The founders were convinced that Israel must retain possession and control of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan. To abandon territory won in wars forced on it would make it vulnerable once again to renewed subversion and attack, not only by hostile Arabs in Judea and Samaria but unstable Arab regimes.


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